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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

The Supervised Annual Report is due April 15, 2025.  Forms and instructions are available here.  All reports must be submitted on the provided excel form.  

Mortgage Brokers and Mortgage Lender/Servicers are required by South Carolina law to file two reports: (1) annual report and (2) mortgage log.  The annual report is accomplished by filing the MCR in NMLS.  The Mortgage Log must be filed directly with the South Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs by March 31, 2025, using the Mortgage Log Data Entry Form found here.



File a Complaint

To avoid any delay investigating your complaint, please be sure to file with the correct agency as listed below. The Division will attempt to forward any incorrect filings to the appropriate agency.

  1. For complaints regarding a Consumer Loan ("Personal Loan" or "Title Loan") or a Deferred Presentment Transaction ("Payday Loan") please file with the South Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs.
  2. For complaints regarding a credit card or mortgage loan through a Bank, please file with the federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
  3. For complaints regarding rental property, raw land or properties not located in South Carolina, please file with the federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

For complaints related to any other Mortgage Loan you should first try to resolve the complaint directly with the company.  If you are unable to resolve your complaint with the company directly, you may file a complaint with our office.  However, we are not able to intervene in a dispute of fact.  If formal legal action has been initiated by the consumer against the company or if the complaint has been the subject of a prior legal action which has been adjudicated, the Office of the Commissioner of Consumer Finance will defer to the courts.

By submitting a complaint, you acknowledge and understand that the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act may require the Office of the Commissioner of Consumer Finance to release a copy of your complaint as a public record.  Submission of a complaint authorizes the Office of the Commissioner of Consumer Finance to send the complaint to the company or use the information given in any other manner deemed necessary.

To file a complaint with our office, please provide the following information:

  • Complainant(s) name, address and phone number
  • Date(s) of transaction(s)
  • Disputed amount(s)
  • Explanation of complaint
  • Name of company
    • Name of person(s) contacted at the company regarding the complaint
    • Date person(s) at financial institution was contacted.
    • Response received from the company
  • A statement certifying whether any legal action is pending
  • A statement indicating whether the complaint has been the subject of prior legal action which has been adjudicated.
  • A description of what action by the company would resolve the matter to your satisfaction.

Please do NOT include any of the following:

  • Social Security Number (SSN) or portions of SSN’s
  • Bank, mortgage, loan, or other types of account numbers
  • Credit card numbers or portions of credit card number(s)
  • Driver’s license number(s)
  • User ID’s or usernames
  • Passwords, passcodes, or PIN’s

Submit complaints to: 

Office of the Commissioner of Consumer Finance
1205 Pendleton Street, Suite 306
Columbia, SC 29201

(Note: Do not send attachments with your email.  They will not be opened.  If additional information is needed to review your complaint, someone from our office will contact you to request any additional information.)