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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

The Supervised Annual Report is due April 15, 2025.  Forms and instructions are available here.  All reports must be submitted on the provided excel form.  

Mortgage Brokers and Mortgage Lender/Servicers are required by South Carolina law to file two reports: (1) annual report and (2) mortgage log.  The annual report is accomplished by filing the MCR in NMLS.  The Mortgage Log must be filed directly with the South Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs by March 31, 2025, using the Mortgage Log Data Entry Form found here.



Finlay Park Magnolia Plantation Charleston

Regulatory Lending Guidelines
for South Carolina

Welcome to Our Site!

The Consumer Finance Division (CFD) licenses and regulates the business activities of all companies, excluding depository institutions or insurance companies, that make consumer loans which have annual percentage rates exceeding 12% and are not secured by real property or a residential dwelling.

Entities that are involved solely in retail sales agreement transactions are not required to be licensed by the CFD.

Licenses are issued and regulated pursuant to The South Carolina Consumer Protection Code, Title 37, and, in some instances, The Consumer Finance Act, Title 34 Chapter 29.

Again, welcome to our site. We appreciate your interest in our office,    


Ronald Bodvake

Commissioner of Consumer Finance