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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

The Supervised Annual Report is due April 15, 2025.  Forms and instructions are available here.  All reports must be submitted on the provided excel form.  

Mortgage Brokers and Mortgage Lender/Servicers are required by South Carolina law to file two reports: (1) annual report and (2) mortgage log.  The annual report is accomplished by filing the MCR in NMLS.  The Mortgage Log must be filed directly with the South Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs by March 31, 2025, using the Mortgage Log Data Entry Form found here.




The Board of Financial Institutions (“Agency”) manages the following websites:;; and  These sites collect only that information of the User which the User voluntarily and actively provides. 

If a User chooses to provide personally identifiable information (“PII”), the Agency may use the PII to research, investigate, and/or respond to the User’s inquiry, request or complaint. PII contained in User-submitted complaints may be shared with Federal or State government agencies, departments, offices or entities that enforce consumer protection and other laws, and the financial institution(s) to which the complaint refers.

The Agency does not collect User information for commercial purposes.  However, the Agency may use or disclose such User-provided information and PII as is allowed or required by State or federal laws, including but not limited to the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).  

By submitting PII to the Agency through these sites, you are indicating your understanding and acceptance of this policy.  A User’s decision to not provide personal identification information will not impair his or her ability to browse or download information from the Site.  If you have questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at 803-734-2020.

Please see the SC.GOV Privacy Policy for information regarding the collection on non-personal information by the hosting website