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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

The Supervised Annual Report is due April 15, 2025.  Forms and instructions are available here.  All reports must be submitted on the provided excel form.  

Mortgage Brokers and Mortgage Lender/Servicers are required by South Carolina law to file two reports: (1) annual report and (2) mortgage log.  The annual report is accomplished by filing the MCR in NMLS.  The Mortgage Log must be filed directly with the South Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs by March 31, 2025, using the Mortgage Log Data Entry Form found here.



Check Cashing

No person or other entity may engage in the business of either Level I or Level II check-cashing service without first obtaining a license pursuant to Check Cashing Services Title 34 Chapter 41. No person or other entity providing a Level I or Level II check-cashing service may avoid the requirements of this chapter by providing a check or other currency equivalent instead of currency when cashing payment instruments.

Level I

Level I check-cashing service means any person or entity engaged in the business of cashing checks, drafts, or money orders for a fee, service charge or other consideration.  A level I licensee may also be licensed to engage in the business of deferred presentment.  

Level II

Level II check-cashing service means any person or entity engaged in the business of cashing checks, drafts, or money orders for a fee, service charge, or other consideration; however, a Level II licensee may not be licensed to engage in the business of deferred presentment.

This chapter shall not apply to:

  • A bank, savings institution, credit union, or farm credit system organized under the laws of the United States or any state; and
  • Any person or entity principally engaged in the bona fide retail sale of goods or services, who either as an incident to or independently of a retail sale or service and not holding itself out to be a Level I or Level II check-cashing service, from time to time cashes checks, drafts, or money orders without a fee or other consideration.

Complete a record in Nationwide Multi-State Licensing System (NMLS) and submit it to the Consumer Finance Division for approval. Any company wishing to apply for a license must do so through NMLS. Check Cashing Level I and Level II licenses are issued and regulated pursuant to Title 34 Chapter 41.

New Regulations:

On May 26, 2023, the South Carolina Legislature passed the following regulations:

  • 15-66. Check Cashing – Use of the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System.
  • 15-67. Check Cashing – Required Records and Retention Period.
  • 15-68. Check Cashing – Other Consideration.

Please review the regulations in chapter 15 online on the South Carolina Code of State Regulations website.

Important Notice for Check Cashers (PDF)

Maximum Fee Form (PDF)